Studies indicate that when a large content is broken down into smaller, simpler fragments, it enhanced information retention by more than 20%. This pedagogy aims at creating a platform where learners readily process relevant information and reflect upon it cogently.
The beauty of micro-learning is that, it can be used as a standalone training delivery mechanism or blend it with overall training strategy and use it anywhere in the learning cycle. It serves as supporting pillars for a full-fledged eLearning course.
According to the research by “John Sweller,” an Australian educational psychologist, the human mind has limited capacities of learning and retaining new information.
Upon exceeding those limits, there is an increased risk of mental overload meaning that the information will not be processed by our brain and hence will never be a part of the long term memory.
To combat this issue, microlearning or bite-sized learning was introduced to facilitate better learning.
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