Analyze the target audience

Guide to an Effective eLearning content development process Deep target audience analysis helps the corporate or any other organization deliver effective learning content that assists them to achieve the predefined goal without interruption. Understanding the employee skills allows the organization… Continue Reading

Understand the training needs and setting up the learning objective

Effective eLearning content development process Initiating the eLearning content development process for corporate training without really understanding the  purpose results in imminent failure. Initially, start with need analysis and set a goal to achieve with the training. The proper training… Continue Reading

A guide to an effective eLearning content development for corporate training

Effective eLearning content development process:   Having more than a decade of experience in eLearning solution creation, we curate the prime requirements in building effective corporate training content. Understand the training needs and setting up the learning objective. Analyze the… Continue Reading

ELearning content Development for Corporate Training

Looking for better guidelines to create effective content development for corporate training purposes? Then you are at the right place at White House Business Solutions, the pioneer of corporate e-Learning content provider in Chennai. Before proceeding with the guidelines, let… Continue Reading

Miscellaneous Professional Dress Code

On Jan 6th 2018, P&HRD department of State Bank of India (SBI) has circulated an e-circular to its employees. The e-circular contains the tips and guidelines for the employees regarding ‘Professional dress code’ and ‘Personal grooming’. In that e-circular, SBI… Continue Reading

Convert your Legacy Flash Content to Html5

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Custom Content Development Services

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Advantage of micro-learning

Studies indicate that when a large content is broken down into smaller, simpler fragments, it enhanced information retention by more than 20%. This pedagogy aims at creating a platform where learners readily process relevant information and reflect upon it cogently.… Continue Reading

What is microlearning?

Microlearning or bite-sized learning refers to breaking a large chunk of content into smaller and simpler learning units to meet the specific learning objective. It focus on direct knowledge transfer. In microlearning objective should be simple and straight, otherwise audience… Continue Reading


One ongoing challenge for developers in the eLearning world is to keep apace with changing screen types and sizes. Learning across multiple devices requires the content to be responsive. There are authoring tools in the market which are able to do… Continue Reading