Moodle plugin development

Moodle plug-in development services: Some of the functions which client requests during moodle customization can be done easily by developing plugins. We have a team of PHP programmers who can develop the plugins in short time based on the requirements… Continue Reading

Ocular Menus in Moodle Customization UI

Customizing moodle as per the client requirements is very tough and tedious job. Because the solution provider has to meet the expectation fo the client what he imagines and what he wants exactly. Due to the internet exposure and more… Continue Reading

SCORM Services – WhitehouseIT

Introduction to SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model): SCORM is a “Reference Model” that integrates a set of inter-related technical standards, specifications, and guidelines designed to meet high-level requirements for learning content and systems. SCORM was born to take the… Continue Reading

Why should we E-Learn?

We, as working professionals often think we are done with studying and anything related to books and exams. Thanks to our dreadful public exams and semester exams that all helped us to become selective memory maniacs and forget everything right… Continue Reading

Informal learning opportunities in the workplace

An achievement of a learning organization is depending on resources obtainable and requirement of the resources to its learners, If you need a high presenting in an organization then need to give the improvement level of training. Because learning should… Continue Reading

Custom Course Design – Assessment and Development

The objective of custom course design is to communicate and organize or deliver the specific requirement and but its important that how we are going to assess our clients? We should bring them to use all the latest tools available… Continue Reading

Professional requirement for studying elearning courses

In the so many ways so far as peoples are concerned, e-learning is just as the same training program , but the same way of training required for demanding learners, insufficient cost and the with the time constraints. E-learning could… Continue Reading

Build stronger knowledge base

When the foundation is strong, we don’t need to worry about how many floors we’re constructing upwards. Likewise in education, if we learn with understanding the concept without memorizing, it will help in our higher studies. Conceptualizations can be done… Continue Reading

OTRS – Open Source Ticket Request System | Complaint Logs Tracking Software

If you have any issue in opening a software of any system problems, just log in to the OTRS to register your complaint. For large scale companies with 200+ or 300+ computers managing complaint is a cumbersome task. To maintain… Continue Reading

Tips for effective on demand training

There are lots of benefits for on demand training Software access to manage live preparation term over the web, easily we can create online courses and can update when we need to develop the learning document, Also help to attend… Continue Reading