Often referred as an alternative to the Moodle learning management system, Efront is listed as commonly acceptable well known open source learning management system, due to mainly its iconic based user interface.
It offers tools for content creation, tests building, assignments management, reporting, internal messaging, forum, chat, surveys, calendar and others.
White House Business Solutions (WHBS) customized the Efront for SMR HR group to facilitate the e-learning courses through this open learning management system. WHBS customized the user interface as per the SMR HR requirement and developed a HTML 5 based interactive e-learning module to host in the Efront LMS.
With our way of support and the solution, we have been referred by SMR HR to another client to provide our consultancy services to one of the vision which connects farmers and scientists in a common platform.
WHBS has expertise in providing solutions for most open learning and content management systems like Moodle, Efront, Joomla, Plone, Ning, Drupal etc., We have dedicated team of developers to provide our services uninterrupted from the enquiry to the execution and implementation stage.
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